12 More Steps

Are you a small business owner who continues to have questions about how to have the business of your dreams? Do you want to build or start your own business? I have created more steps to help you achieve the business of your dreams as a welcome addition to any system you may already be using. 1. Why do you call it a Dream Business? A Dream business owner is committed and passionate with the desire to create more time and success for the client, make more money for themselves and enjoy life. Dreams can be difficult to attain, however, it is the pinnacle for a small business owner. With a plan, all business dreams can be attained. 2. What is the first step a business owner or entrepreneur should take to create a Dream business? Choose personal values. Values are like your personal operating system. Values are also called guidelines, principles or qualities. Values help you stay inspired and motivated. Values help you define what is important to you, and what is important about your business. Do your personal and business values align? Values provide you with a strong foundation; a method for living your life to it's fullest. Clarity is about who you are and what you stand for. If you already have values that you live by and bring into your business, check to see if they are in alignment with your goals and mission and vision. If they are, great! If they are not, you will be dissatisfied, unhappy and not generate the results you want. Choose four values and live with your chosen values for thirty days. Re-evaluate at the end of thirty days. If you need to change them, do so. 3. Many business owners share how drained they are. Is there a strategy you can suggest to help them? Learn how to overcome energy drainers, or tolerations, to stop being drained. Tolerations are the little aggravations that waste your time and use your energy. Tolerations can become big stressors if ignored. When you eliminate tolerations, you constantly produce improvements in both your business and personal life. Let's say you have a missing client, or a habit, such as too much social media, that may be taking up your time. Or you are busy deleting constant email messages instead of unsubscribing to so many groups. Each time you become aware of this, you waste energy feeling guilty about not handling it properly. This drains your energy. Small tolerations accumulate and build up to a point where you don't even want to get out of bed in the morning! A solution is to create a list of at least ten (10) things that you are tolerating right now. Remember to write them down. Choose your Top Five and plan on removing at least these five (5) in thirty (30) days. Eliminating small tolerations can sometimes eliminate bigger ones along the way. 4. As a business owner or entrepreneurs we have so much to do. What is the best way to leverage our tasks? I advocate my Daily Dream Business System, which consists of 3 Daily High Value Activities. Systems are vital to help keep you focused and organized. The Daily Dream Business System is probably the number one focal point to help keep your eye on the prize. For those of you who may have long to-do lists, completing only three tasks per day may seem insufficient. Why only three tasks per day, you may ask. What you are doing with three tasks is to leverage your information. One article can leverage your exposure multi-fold. You can publish it on EzineArticles.com, post it on your blog, twitter it to your connections, offer it to your Facebook friends or fan page and make it part of an upcoming book or special report. 5. What is your best secret to attract more clients and more money to your dream business? Do you want to know a secret to attract more clients and money easily and effortlessly? Include different price points for your clients. In order to get known, liked and trusted, people want to experience you. What better way than to provide no-cost offers such as: newsletters, articles, presentation and tele-classes (classes via telephone conference calls). After you determine these potential new clients are a fit for your business or practice, then offer them higher fee products and services. Pricing is very subjective. Do you want to price your products or services to just make a sale or do you want to have a variety of prices to keep your prospects interested? Higher fee products can include a weekend event, products that include CDs and booklets, and one-on-one coaching and consulting. hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado hotelginzado 6. What is your next best secret to attract more clients? Write articles. No matter what your business is, you can write an article that will be of interest and value to potential and existing customers. This article can be used on your website as a free product, or given away for those who sign up for your newsletter. Write several articles on a similar topic and you are on your way to having enough material for a book. Article marketing is the number one way to establish your credibility and attain new clients. 7. Sometimes small business owners feel that they are alone in their pursuits of a Dream Business. What can they do to help themselves? If you feel alone, you can create a team of experts. Work with a mentor, hire a coach, and network only with people who are in alignment with your thinking. To begin with, choose someone who thinks the way you do, has a bigger vision than, and can bring their expertise to the table. You and your business will move further and faster. If you are interested in a Master Mind group, consider the advantage of starting your own group. Create a Master Mind group that meets once a week. We all need an outside, objective resource who is as passionate as you are about your work. Just don't do it alone, anymore. 8. With so much to do in a small business, how can a business owner handle all the responsibilities? Do you find yourself tired after being on the computer for a while? Do you run out of time to post to your Twitter, Facebook or articles accounts? Are you drained at the end of the day? When you use your brain for tasks your brain finds demanding, stress can take its toll. If you are a creative person, spending time in bookkeeping will exhaust you before you know it. It takes over one hundred times the energy to work out of your brain comfort zone. That means if you are a creative person, details can exhaust you. One solution is to hire an intern from your local college. They can get credit and training from you at the same time. Outsource as much as possible. Go to Craigslist, place and ad or even answer an ad. High school is also a place for low fee interns who want to learn business. Check out your nearest Office Depot and ask any of the employees behind the counter if they are looking for more work. If you can, hire a Virtual Assistant on a project-by-project basis. 9. Most business owners try to handle too many tasks at once. How can they make their life easier? Stop multitasking. Do you find yourself talking on the telephone while searching on the internet? Do you try searching for that file while someone is speaking to you? If you work at home, are you in the kitchen while a client is on the telephone? This is called multitasking and studies show that it hinders your memory. What appears to be age related memory loss might turn out to be multi-task related instead. Get rid of your to-do list and focus on completing your three High Value Activities each and every day. These HVAs are specifically related to your business. High Value Activities are wrapped around time, money and energy. 10. Several of business owners and us entrepreneurs feel as if we have a calling. How do you explain this? If you feel compelled to present your service in a definite way and people come to you when they are in desperate situations, then you have a gift. Each of us does, have a gift, that is. However, if you are in business, you have an additional responsibility in this world. Your responsibility is to provide your service or product while treating yourself and your business with respect.


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